

Painter’s Giveaway

At The Stoney Shire, we are continuously striving to create an optimal platform that empowers individuals to flourish in their talents and abilities. We are committed to providing the tools and opportunities necessary for everyone to thrive and pursue their…

Reviving the Community Mentality: Embracing Smaller Businesses

In light of current events and technological advancements, there is a growing recognition of the need to shift our dependencies back to smaller or individual businesses. For years, the over-commercialization of products and goods has eroded the foundations that allow…

Local artists discuss plans for eventual Community Center

Co-founders of The Stoney Shire Tim Sturdevant (left) and Cory Williamson in their studio, The S.O.A.P. Box, located at 317 Post St., Boonville. (PHOTO BY DINA OLMSTEAD) Posted Wednesday, April 12, 2023 3:00 pm Dina OlmsteadStaff writeremail BOONVILLE — The Stoney Shire is a…

Projections for 2023 at The stoney Shire

In light of this New Year and all the work put forth over the past few; we have finally come to the point where we can move into our most important side of the business.   Although we have many…

Up and Coming: The S.O.A.P. Box

Our Non-profit is moving with great strides as we expand our operations within the Stoney Shire Creation Center. With that, we wanted to be sure we could start representing and promoting artists, crafters, and entrepreneurs in our community.  We still…

The Idea Behind The Stoney Shire Design

 In the new era of machine-driven production and a number-based system in the work force; we are steered in a more corporate direction. Civilizations, Communities, Towns and Cities are being engulfed into this never ending design of the “daily grind.” …

Grand Opening of

After a tremendous amount of detail and thought designing the site with our website designer. We have finally come to the point where we can present our site to the public and our followers. has many new exciting features…

Stoney Shire’s Website is Underway

For the time being, running the business in-house and expanding our online base is the most ideal option. This allows us to focus our expenditures and time towards growth and the stability of our platform. As is, eBay takes 35%…

Team at The Stoney Shire

The Team at The Stoney Shire has moved many items into Turin Road Treasures, in hopes to boost sales and outreach in the local community. Here at the Stoney Shire Creation Center we have been pushing ourselves to the limits…