Red Kettle Campaign Sign-up

Salvation Army Red Kettle Volunteer Sign-Up

Sign up here to Become a Volunteer

Red Kettle Campaign Volunteer Sign-Up

Join us in supporting our community this holiday season! By signing up to volunteer, you’ll be helping us make a positive impact in Boonville, New York. Thank you for your dedication and time!

Will you be bringing a child along?
By checking “Yes,” you agree to take full responsibility for your child during the event and consent to their inclusion in any photos taken.
Options for Type of Volunteer(Required)
Please select the role(s) you would like to volunteer for during the Red Kettle Campaign. You may choose more than one role if you’re interested in multiple services.
Preferred Volunteering Location(Required)
Please select the location where you’d like to volunteer for the Red Kettle Campaign, along with the available dates for each location. You may choose more than one location if you’re available for multiple spots.
Preferred Volunteer Time Slot(Required)
Please select the time slots that suit your availability for each day. You may choose more than one slot if you’re available for multiple times.
Please enter the most optimal date and time for volunteering.
Consent to Photo Release(Required)
Do you consent to having your photo taken during the event and potentially being featured in promotional materials?

Thank You for Your Support!

Your dedication to the Red Kettle Campaign helps us make a difference in our community. By volunteering, you’re spreading holiday cheer and lending a hand to those in need.

If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact us. Together, we are making our community stronger!

Thank you,
Lion Tim from Boonville, New Yorks Lions Club